new place, new friends - not just yet!
niki complains that i don't look forward to weekends anymore. she thinks that i'm just too unhappy that we don't have friends in bangalore, where we've moved about 2 months ago. i tell her that what she thinks is not completely true. though i confess here that its not completely false either.
i hear people say that it is difficult to make new friends after a certain age. by no means am i trying to say that i am getting old, but oldER than i was, for sure. in my case, i don't think age is a problem at all. without giving ourselves time enough in a new city, i cannot be complaining just as yet.
since niki and i talk about it atleast a couple times each weekend, we just walked down the memory lane and talked about how we've always been around so many friends wherever we are - at school, at college, in bombay, in the US, at work, etc.
i think the social bug must have got to me in the kind of enviromnemt i grew up. i cannot even remember the number of social groups that my parents were members of. they had atleast 8 groups of friends, each one had more than 20 members. you can imagine, how socially active they were. probably the same thing must have been passed on to me and my brother.
i had changing group of friends in school, but once in college, i had an amazing friends circle (people not from my college though). its a completely different story of how that group of friends was formed, how niki and i were a part of the same group, how it is still live and kicking even today. that was that.
when in the US, i met guys at school, some of whom were my room mates - we were all in the same boat. of course, some of them were much more qualified and geekier than i was, but you know like they say "water always finds its level". i guess in no time, that happened to me. and i found some of the best friends - and these i can say are friends for life, no matter where we are. the equation is quite simple. when you spend the most trying as well as fun years of your life away from home, thats where you make REAL friends.
again in the US, just as a mere co-incidence, i was pulled into a group of friends that were all couples and all a few years older to me. initially i thought i might not gel well with them. but little did i know that for the rest of niki's and my stay in the US, we would be spending each weekend with these guys. we were all a happy family in southern california - so happy that my friends in other parts of the US and in india would be jealous about how we had such an amazing friends circle. the kind of farewell we got from them, so emotional, for a moment, both niki and i did not want to get back to india.
even at work in the US, though i strarted as a lonely soul, in the 3 years i spent at WD, i had a bunch of such cool friends who i would go on longgg lunches with, go out for dinners and a lot of other fun stuff. we used to have such a blast at work that i would be looking forward to going to work - and niki would find that quite strange!
we got back to india and lucky us, we got back to the group of friends in bombay that we had started off with. things were just perfect. within no time at all we almost felt that we had never gone away from these guys for as long as 5 years.
then, as it must've been written in our destiny, we moved to a new city. and now begins our quest to make a new set of friends! i'm sure we'll find them, sooner than later!