childhood days

its so easy to forget things that you did last month, last week or even yesterday. what remains in your memory forever though is some of your childhood episodes. and if you ever get a chance to relive them, its the best thing ever.

thats exactly what i did this evening. i met my maternal cousins over family dinner and we recollected and laughed (almost on the verge of crying) our hearts talking about our childhood episodes. it is very common in this part of the world for a married woman to spend a good part of summer at her parents' place along with her children. thats what my mom did and thats how i spent many a childhood summers at my grandfather's place.

when you're at your grandfather's place in summer, you are living a king's life. you get up late, watch tv all day long, play with your cousins and get pampered by everyone in the house. my brother and i had our share of fun at our grandfather's place. our elder cousin sister would be the leader of our gang of three. i, being the youngest then, was often the matter of bullying by my brother and elder sister.

while talking today over dinner, i realized how innovative we were in the games that we played. i was the official "net man" in the game of badminton that my brother and cousin sis used to play. i thought to myself that could i be so dumb to just accept being a "net man" (don't ask what a net man does) while they would play the game all the time. i vaguely remember we used to play this another fun mystery/thriller/drama game where cousin sister was a lawyer, my brother would be a cop and i would be a detective. i can totally bet that the thriller game must have been inspired by some movie or tv show back in the day.

its too bad that as you grow up, everyone gets occupied in their own lives and then instead of spending all summers, you just catch up once in a long while over dinner or lunch. bottom line is that some episodes of my childhood will always remain so firmly locked in my and it will be fun reliving them whenever i can!

:) :) :)


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