walk the talk

while i'm still trying to figure the literal meaning of the saying 'walk the talk' (i looked up google, couldn't quite understand it), i have found a new meaning to this term. i've realised that its a disease. i am a victim as well.

ever since we've commonly started using mobile phones, many including me have contracted the disease. i realised i am a victim when i was talking on the mobile phone in office the other day. i was making round of the corridor while talking. i guess i must have been walking just so that i am not standing in one place, also to avoid anyone listening to my entire conversation. but when i later thought about my walking during talking was more of a sub conscious action. just like many people do a lot of hand gestures while talking without realising, i guess this is just like that.

however, i think i am suffering from a very preliminary stage of the disease. a friend of mine suffers from a very advanced stage of this disease which i call 'wander the talk'. she just wanders away as soon as she starts talking on the phone, to the level that we lose her sight soon after she starts talking on mobile phone.

i guess each one of us suffers from the 'walk the talk' disease. the positive side of it however is that talking on the phone can be a good work out!


Sumita said…
hahaha thats funny. Bimal has had that disease for a while - and it is probably the only workout he receives. And if I'm in the room, it makes him walk faster - away from me. Which makes me wonder - who is he talking to?

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