million, billion, lakhs, crores, rupees, dollars?

the indian financial markets are really going global. its a commonly known fact that the foreign institutional investors are investing heavily (with the exception of past month or so) into the indian markets. there's been a huge flow of fdi and private equity funds besides the regular mergers and acquisitions type of deals flooding the markets.

all of the above is just fine. what's not fine is the way press puts the figures of these investments. its totally confusing. they sometimes talk of investments in million rupees, at other times in million dollars, sometimes in crores of rupees, getting the reader like me totally confused.

i seriously feel there must be a regulation that while in a particular country, you need to have a uniform format of representing money. makes life much simpler!


this comes as an after thought - a formula that one can use to convert $million and $ billion to crores (assuming the exchange rate $1 ~= Rs 40)

$ x million = Rs 4x crores
$ x million = Rs 400 lakhs
$ x billion = Rs 4000x crores
Rs x crores = $ x/4 million
Rs x million = Rs x/10 crores
Rs x billion = Rs 100x crores
Rs x million = Rs 10x lakhs


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